Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Rape:
Types: Rape: [Site] A f r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] South African History
[Site] A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Chilean History [Info] Plaza Salgado, Camila. Las flores, la pureza y el recogimiento: Im genes e imaginarios de la feminidad en Causas Criminales por Estupro y Rapto de la Capitan a General de Chile, 1638-1776. Revista Dos Puntas 9 (2017): 21-39. [Info] Plaza Salgado, Camila. Mujeres recogidas y mujeres libres del mundo: Estudio sobre 149 estupros y raptos en la Capitan a General de Chile, 1638-1766. (Des) orden de g nero: pol ticas y mercados del cuerpo en Chile. Edited by Jorge Pavez Ojeda. Santiago de Chile 2017: 149-175. [Info] Plaza Salgado, Camila. Raptadas y estupradores de la Capitan a General de Chile: Estudio de relaciones de g nero y experiencia colonial, 1638-1776. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2017. [Site] U.S. History
[Info] Baker, Catherine. Rape in Seventeenth Century Massachusetts. Third Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. Bryn Mawr 1976. [Info] Crossman, Leslie. A History of Rape in American Society Prior to 1900. 100th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C. 1992. [Info] Dayton, Cornelia H. Women before the bar. Gender, law, and society in Connecticut, 1639-1789. Chapel Hill 1995. [Info] Graves, Donna C. Rape history in the United States. Seventeenth century. Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 177-179. [Info] Hambleton, Else L. "Playing the rogue". Rape and issues of consent in seventeenth-century Massachusetts. Sex without consent. Rape and sexual coercion in America. Edited by Merril D. Smith. New York 2001: 27-45. [Info] Hambleton, Else L. Daughters of Eve. Pregnant brides and unwed mothers in seventeenth-century Massachusetts. New York 2004. [Info] Hand-Stephenson, Corrie. Demons of Discord: Violence and the Socio-Political Growth of Colonial South Carolina and Georgia, 1690-1776. Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia State University, 2018. [Info] Koehler, Lyle. A search for power. The "weaker sex" in seventeenth-century New England. Urbana 1980. [Info] Landers, Jane. "In consideration of her enormous crime". Rape and infanticide in Spanish St. Augustine. The Devil s lane. Sex and race in the early South. Edited by Catherine Clinton et al. Oxford 1997: 205-217. [Info] Marietta, Jack, et al. Rape, law, courts, and custom in Pennsylvania, 1682-1800. Sex without consent. Rape and sexual coercion in America. Edited by Merril D. Smith. New York 2001: 81-102. [Info] Miracle, Amanda L. Rape and Infanticide in Maryland, 1634-1689: Gender and Class in the Courtroom Contestation of Patriarchy on the Edge of the English Atlantic. Ph.D. Thesis, Bowling Green State University, 2008. [Info] Moazeni, Sarah. A Holy Kind of Violence': Rape, Consent, and Seventeenth-Century Puritan Religion. 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017. [Info] Nix, Ashley. Dramatized Rape in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century England and Modern America. Aphra Behn Society Conference. Pittsburgh 2017. [Info] Warren, Wendy A. "The cause of her grief". The rape of a slave in early New England. Journal of American history 93 (2007): 1031-1049. [Info] Williams, David. The Gratification of That Corrupt and Lawless Passion: Character Types and Themes in Early New England Rape Narratives. A Mixed Race: Ethnicity in Early America. Edited by Frank Shuffelton. Oxford 1993: 194-221. [Info] Williams, James H. Coerced sex and gendered violence in New Netherland. Sex without consent. Rape and sexual coercion in America. Edited by Merril D. Smith. New York 2001: 61-80. [Site] A s i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Arabic History
[Site] Chinese History [Site] Iranian History
[Site] Turkish History [Info] Baer, Marc. Death in the Hippodrome: Sexual Politics and Legal Culture in the Reign of Mehmet IV. Past & Present No. 210 (2011): 61-91. [Site] E u r o p e a n H i s t o r y [Site] General [Info] Eder, Franz X. Eros, Wollust, S nde: Sexualit t in Europa von der Antike bis in die Fr he Neuzeit. Frankfurt/Main 2018. [Info] Hryszko, Barbara. Iconography of Sexual Violence in Ovid's Metamorphoses Published in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 66th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Philadelphia 2020. [Info] K mper, Hiram. The injured body in context: Outlines for a legal history of rape in pre-modern Europe (c. 1250 1750) in cultural perspective. New Perspectives on Gender and Legal History: European Traditions and the Challenge of Global History. Frankfurt/Main 2009. [Info] Smith, Nigel S. Slavery, Rape, and Migration in European Transnational Drama, 1580 1641. 2021 MLA Annual Convention. Vancouver 2021. [Site] Dutch History
[Info] Pipkin, Amanda It is only the tongue which brings so many maidens to fall : Dutch Golden Age Women s Perspectives on Rape and Marriage. Sixteenth Century Society Conference. Montr al 2010. [Info] Pipkin, Amanda Rape in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Women's Writings. Sixteenth Century Society Conference. San Juan 2013. [Info] Smith, Nigel. Slavery, Rape, Migration: The View from the Amsterdam Stage, 1615. Shakespeare Studies 48 (2020): 80-. [Info] Smith, Nigel. Violence, Emotion, and Political Theater: The Netherlands and European Drama. 66th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Philadelphia 2020. [Info] van der Heijden, Manon. Misdadige vrouwen: Criminaliteit en rechtspraak in Holland 1600-1800. Amsterdam 2014. [Info] van der Heijden, Manon. Women and Crime in Early Modern Holland. Leiden 2016. [Site] English History
[Info] Airey, Jennifer L. The Politics of Rape: Sexual Atrocity, Religious Controversy, and the London Stage. NEH-EGSA Conference Tulsa 2011. [Info] Airey, Jennifer L. Rape in the Aftermath of Revolution: Images of Male Rape, 1689-96. Annual Congress of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Hamilton 2011. [Info] Airey, Jennifer L. Rape and the Cannibal Father: Sexual Violence and Political Philosophy in the Later Seventeenth Century. 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. San Antonio 2012. [Info] Airey, Jennifer L. Rape is a four letter word : Sexual Violence as Religio-Political Propaganda in Historical Context. 34th Annual Conference of the National Women s Studies Association. Cincinnati 2013. [Info] Dolan, Frances E. »Afterword.« Violence, Politics, and Gender in Early Modern England. Edited by Joseph P. Ward. New York 2008: 249-253. [Info] Housman, Talya. Consent in Rape and Politics, 1642-1660. North American Conference on British Studies Annual Meeting. Denver 2017. [Info] Lambert, Tonya. Puritans' Perceptions of Sexual Aggression. Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. San Antonio 2002. [Info] Nix, Ashley. Dramatized Rape in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century England and Modern America. Aphra Behn Society Conference. Pittsburgh 2017. [Info] Solomon, Diana. By Force or by Farce: Rape in Restoration Comedies. 2015 MLA Annual Convention. Vancouver 2015. [Info] Varholy, Cristine M. »“But She Woulde Not Consent”: Women’s Narratives of Sexual Assault and Compulsion in Early Modern London.« Violence, Politics, and Gender in Early Modern England. Edited by Joseph P. Ward. New York 2008: 41-65. [Info] Walker, Garthine. Rape, Acquittal and Culpability in Popular Crime Reports in England, c.1670-c.1750. Past & Present 220 (2013): 115-142. [Info] Ward, Joseph P., ed. Violence, Politics, and Gender in Early Modern England. New York 2008. [Info] Zuvich, Andrea. Sex and Sexuality in Stuart Britain. Barnsley 2020. [Site] French History [Info] Burgess, Clare. »Reading Rape: Questions of Consent in Early Modern Lyon and Seville.« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023. [Info] Delage, Gabriel. Enl vements, Rapts et S ductions en Angoumois: 17e et 18e si cles. Paris 1994. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. Interpreting Charles Perrault's 'Le Petit Chaperon rouge' ('Little Red Riding Hood') within 17- and 18th Century French Jurisprudence: Tolerating Rape and the Troubling Language of Love. Women and the Law: Legal Systems/Legal Fictions. Milwaukee 2001. [Site] German History
[Info] Eder, Franz X. Kultur der Begierde: Eine Geschichte der Sexualit t. Munich 2002. [Info] Eder, Franz X. Kultur der Begierde: Eine Geschichte der Sexualit t. Munich 2009. [Info] Zander, Sylvina. Zwischen »ehrbar« und »liederlich«: Zur Geschichte der Frauen in Oldesloe vom 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Hamburg 2024. [Site] Italian History
[Info] McNamara, Celeste. Illicit Sex in Early Modern Venice. Annual Meeting of the Society for Italian Historical Studies. New York 2020. [Info] Novarese, Daniela. La giustizia era altrettanto violenta degli stupratori : Donne e violenza sessuale in Italia, un lungo, tormentato percorso normativo. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 283-311. [Info] Torremocha Hern ndez, Margarita. Presentaci n. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 9- . [Site] Portuguse History [Info] Braga, Isabel D. Punir a Viola o, perdoar os Violadores: Entre a justi a e a clem ncia no Portugal Moderno. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 165-187. [Info] Torremocha Hern ndez, Margarita. Presentaci n. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 9- . [Site] Russian History
[Site] Spanish History
[Info] Blanco Carrasco, Jos P. Ad nde ir n los secretos? : Reflexiones en torno al estupro y mercado matrimonial en la Edad Moderna. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 133-163. [Info] Burgess, Clare. »Reading Rape: Questions of Consent in Early Modern Lyon and Seville.« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023. [Info] Corada Alonso, Alberto, et al. El estupro en el Antiguo R gimen: Una visi n cuantitativa desde el Archivo de la Real Chanciller a de Valladolid. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 39-89. [Info] Jarque Mart nez, Encarna. Y sobre todo pido justicia : El delito de estupro en Arag n (siglos XVI y XVII). El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 189-212. [Info] Mant con Movell n, Tom s A. Estupro, sexualidad e identidad en sociedades cat licas del Mediterr neo durante el Antiguo R gimen. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 253-281. [Info] Mart nez Llorente, Felix. Una notaci n hist rica sobre el delito de estupro hasta la codificaci n penal. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 17-37. [Info] Rodríguez Blanco, Cynthia. »Ser Madre en solitario: Un retrato de las familias incompletas en la Castilla Moderna.« Studia Historica: Historia Moderna 46 (2024): 61-85. [Info] Torremocha Hern ndez, Margarita, et al., eds. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Valladolid 2018. [Info] Torremocha Hern ndez, Margarita. Presentaci n. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 9- . [Site] Swedish History
[Site] Swiss History
[Site] Welsh History
[Info] Walker, Garthine. Everyman or a Monster? The Rapist in Early Modern England, c.1600-1750. History Workshop Journal (August 2, 2013). [Info] Walker, Garthine. Language, consent and culpability in rape and child sexual abuse in seventeenth and eighteenth-century Wales and England. 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017. |